Microsoft.ServiceHub.Analyzers by: Microsoft
  • 68 total downloads
  • Latest version: 4.6.13
  • analyzers visualstudio vssdk sdk
Static code analyzer to detect common mistakes or potential issues when using ServiceHub or IServiceBroker.
Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.Runtime by: Trujillo
  • 2 total downloads
  • Latest version: 15.0.4711.1000
  • Microsoft
Sharepoint client runtime
Microsoft.SharePointOnline.CSOM by: Microsoft
  • 84 total downloads
  • Latest version: 16.1.25221.12000
  • Microsoft Office API SharePoint Client Object Model CSOM Portable Windows8 WindowsPhone8 Windows Project
This package contains SharePoint and Project Client Object Model libraries
Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 11.0.0
  • testplatform microsoft
Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel provides a set of APIs to author extensions for test platform. The 11.0 version of ObjectModel supports VS 2012 Update 5 to VS 2015 Update 3.
Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild by: Microsoft
  • 272 total downloads
  • Latest version: 5.6.2
  • TypeScript
The TypeScript MSBuild task, and matching compiler version.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Containers.Tools.Targets by: Microsoft
  • 6 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.21.0
  • container containers Docker microservices Azure
Targets files to enable the Visual Studio Tools for Containers.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars by: Microsoft
  • 37 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.11.40262
  • Microsoft VisualStudio VSSDK SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Composition.Analyzers by: Microsoft
  • 32 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.11.13
  • MEF Analyzers
Analyzers for MEF consumers to help identify common errors in MEF parts.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Composition.NetFxAttributes by: Microsoft
  • 20 total downloads
  • Latest version: 16.1.8
  • Mef Composition Extensibility
The MEF attributes and runtime classes in the .NET Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) that are used for imports and exports, and exception types, in a .NET Standard compliant NuGet package form, as found in the System.ComponentModel.Composition namespace.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Engine by: Microsoft
  • 44 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.8.1101801
  • Microsoft VisualStudio Debugger Engine VSSDK Concord
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop by: Microsoft
  • 10 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.0.0-previews-2-31512-422
  • Microsoft VisualStudio VSSDK SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.11.0 by: Microsoft
  • 8 total downloads
  • Latest version: 11.0.50729
  • Microsoft VisualStudio Debugger Interop 11 0 VSSDK
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.12.0 by: Microsoft
  • 8 total downloads
  • Latest version: 12.0.21007
  • Microsoft VisualStudio Debugger Interop 12 0 VSSDK
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.16.0 by: Microsoft
  • 16 total downloads
  • Latest version: 16.7.30328.139
  • Microsoft VisualStudio Debugger Interop 16 0 VSSDK
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Designer.Interfaces by: Microsoft
  • 40 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.11.40262
  • Microsoft VisualStudio VSSDK SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor by: Microsoft VisualStudioExtensibility
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 14.0.22823-RC
  • Microsoft VisualStudio Editor VSSDK
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.Interop.14.0.DesignTime by: Microsoft
  • 62 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.10.40152
  • Microsoft VisualStudio VSSDK SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop by: Microsoft
  • 40 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.11.40262
  • Microsoft VisualStudio VSSDK SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop by: Microsoft
  • 20 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.10.40170
  • Microsoft VisualStudio VSSDK SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.LanguageService.15.0 by: Microsoft VisualStudioExtensibility
  • 8 total downloads
  • Latest version: 15.0.26606
  • Microsoft VisualStudio Package LanguageService VSSDK