dotnet-ef by: Microsoft
  • 5 total downloads
  • Latest version: 9.0.0-preview.1.24081.2
  • Entity Framework Core entity-framework-core EF Data O/RM EntityFramework EntityFrameworkCore EFCore
Entity Framework Core Tools for the .NET Command-Line Interface. Enables these commonly used dotnet-ef commands: dotnet ef migrations add dotnet ef migrations list dotnet ef migrations script dotnet ef dbcontext info dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold dotnet ef database drop dotnet ef database update
Microsoft.PowerApps.CLI.Tool by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.31.6
  • Dynamics CRM PowerApps PowerPlatform
Microsoft PowerPlatform CLI is a simple, single-stop, developer command-line interface (CLI) for developing customizations and extensions for Microsoft PowerPlatform. See project site how to install