Hangfire.Console.Extensions.Serilog 2.0.0

Makes it easier to use Hangfire.Console with serilog

No packages depend on Hangfire.Console.Extensions.Serilog.

2.0.0 * Breaking change moved from Hangfire.Console to IdentityStream.Hangfire.Console 1.2.0 * Upgraded package dependencies 1.1.0 * Added IRecurringJobManager.AddOrUpdateManuallyTriggered * Added StartAndWaitAsync overload without result * Fixed bug in StartAndWaitAsync (y-weiner found and fixed it) 1.0.3 * Include exception in the log output 1.0.2 * Added restrictedToMinimumLevel * Upgraded dependencies * Fixed bug introduced in last release. 1.0.1 * Fixed two bugs in HangfireConsoleSerilogEnricher. 1.0.0 * Initial release

.NET Standard 2.0

Version Downloads Last updated
2.0.0 5 15.02.2024
1.2.0 1 11.03.2024
1.1.0 0 28.09.2023
1.0.3 0 24.08.2023
1.0.2 0 05.11.2021 0 02.03.2021
1.0.1 0 01.03.2021
1.0.0 0 30.06.2020