Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.UserSecrets 2.0.0

A basic key/value Configuration Builder for the .Net Framework that draws from a a 'secrets' file outside of source control.

No packages depend on Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.UserSecrets.

Version Downloads Last updated
3.0.0 3 02.05.2024
3.0.0-preview2 0 18.01.2023
3.0.0-preview1 0 01.04.2022
2.0.0 0 22.02.2020
2.0.0-rc 0 10.01.2020
2.0.0-beta 0 26.02.2019
1.0.2 0 09.07.2018
1.0.1 0 25.05.2018
1.0.0-preview3 0 04.05.2018
1.0.0-preview2 0 10.03.2018
1.0.0-preview 0 17.11.2017